Guide to klikit Analytics

Guide to klikit Analytics

klikit Analytics is a comprehensive, consolidated, and real-time view of your data from delivery platforms, your webshop, and your social media channels. Get all your data in one powerful dashboard.

To access your reporting, select the Analytics tab on your klikit dashboard.

  1. Here you will be presented with the data of all your brands, branches, and aggregators for the last 365 days!
  2. Only want to see data for specific brands, branches, or date ranges? Feel free to use our filters, and don’t forget to click “Apply Filter”

Want to compare data by aggregator, brand, or branch? Use the toggles beside the "Compare by" text. 

klikit users can enjoy the following data points:
  • Gross Order Value vs Lost Revenue

  • Completed vs Cancelled Orders

  • Average Basket Size

  • Payment Method

  • Orders per Menu Category, Menu Item, and Modifier

  • Discounts Data

  • Order Breakdown data

These reports are available to export and download as needed.

Not sure what a metric means? Hover over the tooltips for a quick guide!

Just remember, this report only includes stores that are Powered by klikit. So the more stores you have integrated, the more powerful and comprehensive your klikit Analytics report becomes.


Need assistance? Please submit any data discrepancy via this form.

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