How do I add/edit modifiers?

How do I add/edit modifiers?

How do I add/edit modifiers?

Having Item Modifiers allows for you to cross-sell items together and include add-ons that can increase your revenue and improve customer experience in eating your food! 

Take a note that only Business Owner role can edit the menu for all brands and Brand Manager can edit the menu of specific brand.

Before you can tie your modifier to the menu item, you have to create the modifier group first. In order to add modifier groups:

  1. Select the menu tab in the dashboard,
  2. Select the brand you wish to add/edit the modifier in
  3. Select the modifiers option
  4. In modifier groups, select 'new'


Once the modifier groups have been made, you can tie this to any existing or new menu item. In order to do so: 

1.  Select the category and item from the menu

2. Click "+ Add Modifier Group"

3. Select the modifier group you want to tie to the menu item

4. Select the rule you wish to apply to the modifier group

5. Select the modifiers you want to include with the item. 

6. Press "Update" for existing menu items and "Submit" for new items


Take note that once modifiers are tied to an item, changes need to be made to the modifier ON THE ITEM IN THE MENU, NOT ON THE MODIFIER TAB


Changes made in the modifier tab will only apply for any new menu item you will build with those modifiers. 

If you want to apply changes made on a modifier group to an existing item, follow these steps:

1.  "x" the Modifier group on the menu item

2. Click "Update"

3. Reselect the Modifier Group, Rule and Modifiers that you want the tie to the item

4. Click "Update"



If you want certain modifiers to apply on specific aggregators, you can also do so! This applies to modifiers tied to menu items as well. To do so, simply:
1. Click on the eye icon beside the toggle

2. Select visibility for the aggregators

If you need further assistance, please submit your menu edit request via this form.