How do I toggle items as out of stock?

How do I toggle items as out of stock?

Users with Business Owner , Brand Manager, and Branch Manager roles can out of stocking menu.

Marking Menu Items Out Of Stock (OOS)

1) Go to the branch menu containing the item or category you wish to tag as OOS

2) Toggle the button beside the item or category to disable the item.

3) By default, items will be OOS until manually switched on again.

Marking Modifiers OOS

1 ) Go to the Branch Menu

2) Click on the ""Modifiers"" tab. 

3) Once you've located the item, toggle the button beside it and click ""Update Modifier Group"" to reflect the changes on all menu items containing the modifier." 

Mobile App

On the mobile app, the interface looks different from the browser, but it works the same way.

You can simply toggle items in or out of stock in the menu through selecting the "Stock" button in the bottom of the screen and pressing on the toggles beside the items.

If you need further assistance, please submit your menu edit request via this form.

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