Can I create my own Website?

Can I create my own Website?

Unlock the potential of your business with our exclusive klikit Website Builder, accessible only at Stay tuned for updates on the klikit for Business app!

In order to access our website builder, Business Owner access are required. To learn more about user access, you can check out this link.


Business owners can easily create their own website using the SSO Website Builder by signing up their business on

Refer to this video tutorial demonstrating how business owners can effortlessly create their website using the SSO Website Builder

Sample Website

This is what a sample website looks like:

Once you've logged on to your account, on the side bar, select the Links module, then select Website.

Once you've selected website, press the Create button. 

Afterwards, you will have a working link to your website with all your brands, and  

Website Customization

This section is divided into several parts:
  1. General - Your website branding. This includes the website name, logos, colors
  2. Hero Section - What do you want to highlight in your website?
  3. Brands - Which brands do you want to showcase?
  4. Branches - Your locations on the klikit platform
  5. About Section - A short introduction from you to your customers
  6. Reservations Card - Leads to klikit reservations portal
  7. Webshop Card - Leads to your klikit webshop
  8. CTA (Call to Action) Banner - Your message to consumers to get them to order
Here are some photos to help visualize which settings correspond to which portion of your website. 

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