Why am I not getting order notifications?

Why am I not getting order notifications?

To get sound notifications, the user needs to be logged in to Enterprise App/Web portal using a Branch Manager Account. Only the branch manager role account will get the audio notifications and order popup. Other roles will receive order popups only.

Why am I not receiving order notifications on my Web Portal?

For Web portal users, make sure that notifications are enabled on your device or computer's settings. Additional notification settings may differ from browser to browser:

  1. Google Chrome  - Found in the browser settings, for more information click here
  2. Microsoft Edge - Found in the browser settings, for more information click here
  3. Opera - Found in computer settings, for more information click here 
  4. Safari - Found in computer settings, for more information click here
Need assistance? Please reach out to our support team through the in-app widget or at help@klikit.io.

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