Why am I not receiving any orders?

Why am I not receiving any orders?

If you are not receiving any orders, please check that:

1. You are connected to the internet

2. Make sure you are using the latest version of the app.
3. Your menu is online on the Menu Manager Tab

3. Your store is open in the third-party delivery app (Grab, Foodpanda, etc.)
4. Close the app: Swipe up (or use your device's method) to completely close the klikit app.
5. Log out and log back in.

Expected Outcome: Orders should come in as normal. 

I'm not receiving Delivery App Orders (Web)?

This is an Integrations issues, so it needs to be escalated to Support.
If you're not receiving Delivery App Orders - there is likely an issue with your Integrations.  As a result you'll need to contact Support for us to debug and triage on your behalf.  

Contact one of our Live Chat Agents for assistance.
Tap the "Chat" button on your klikit screen.

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