These additional details are: the kitchen contact number, the Kitchen Address, the city, its geographical latitude and longitude, opening and closing times, available days, kitchen equipment, and brands tied to the store.
The final detail, tied brands, is an important factor as it dictates which brands operate out of that location for delivery purposes that inherently allow you to accept orders, and manage menus on your klikit dashboard.
For location edit, or new location requests, please notify your klikit Customer Success Manager or reach out to Support through the in-app chat widget on the app or send an email to
Note that this only affects hours of your klikit Webshop, Reservations, and other features. If you want to change your opening hours for your aggregators (GrabFood, foodpanda, GoFood, etc.), you must do so in the respective merchant portals.
You can manage your location hours in the ‘Location’ tab of the klikit Dashboard, located on the left-hand side of your dashboard. Here, you are able to view and edit your store details, opening hours, and available days, making it easy for your customers to view your opening times.
Simply edit your opening times by clicking the time bar for each opening and closing time, and changing to the time you would like to open and close respectively.
In addition, you can simply check or uncheck the days you are operating on the klikit platform. Just make sure to update both these preferences to ensure a push to the channel integrations.
Currently, we are not able to close your stores in aggregators you are currently in. In order to open or close your stores, you must edit your store status in the respective merchant portals.