What does Pause Store do?

What does Pause Store do?

What does Pause Store do?

Please note that Pause Store makes your outlet disappear from Delivery Apps - use with caution and ensure your staff are trained on how to use it properly.
The Pause Store button is an incredibly powerful tool to help your staff manage busy hours.  By toggling the Pause Store button, your teams will remove your selected storefronts from being visible on the Delivery Apps - giving them some breathing room to deal with in-store customers or alternatively a backlog of delivery orders.

To activate the Pause Store feature, simply head to the Order Dashboard on a Branch Manager account and find the purple toggle nested in the top left.

Select the toggle on - and then select the options you want configured for your Pause Store - like when to turn back on, if at all.

It should be noted that there are three (3) methods of closing a storefront with klikit:
  1. Pause Store
  2. Menu Out of Stock
  3. Menu/Store Hours
Feel free to check out these Help Centre articles for more information about how to perform this function.

Why do the Staff need to be careful using Pause Store?

Staff need to be careful because almost all Delivery Apps use something called 'Machine Learning' ("ML") to create the Feed for their Apps.  These ML systems interface with a lot of data about your store - including your Completion Rate, Cancellation Rate, Prep Time and Online Hours to produce a score which determines where you are listed in the App.  If your Staff are constantly using Pause Store - the Delivery Apps will begin to think that you are unreliable and may downrank you in the display Feed.  Therefore it is important to be aware of the risks when using this feature. 

Still need help?

Contact one of our Live Chat Agents for assistance.
Tap the "Chat" button on your klikit screen.

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