Why are my items out of stock on Grabfood but in-stock in klikit?

Why are my items out of stock on Grabfood but in-stock in klikit?

Items that show up out of stock on Grab but in-stock in klikit are affected by safety nets Grab includes in their menus. This is affected by both rules and item modifiers that affect the item in concern. 


For a menu item’s modifiers, the rule is to select exactly one modifier. In the event that the modifiers are all out of stock, the menu item will show up out of stock since there’s no modifier to satisfy the rule of selecting one. 


Still confused? Let’s follow How Chicken's example down below: 

1. The How Chicken branch menu has an item with a rule that requires the selection of “Exactly 1” modifier – meaning the customer has to select one modifier for them to order the item. 

2. However, their modifiers are out of stock as seen below making the consumer unable to select any modifiers at all. 



This situation for How Chicken makes the item appear out of stock on Grabfood even if the item is in stock on klikit. 

To solve the issue, your “Exact” rules must fit your available modifiers. 

For example, the item has an Exact 2 rule, and you only have one item toggled on as a modifier, you can either change the rule to Exact 1 or toggle other modifiers to have at least 2 in-stock items.


  • Invisible items are not counted in the modifier count. To learn more about how to add/edit modifiers, see here. You need to make sure the modifier's visibility is on for Grab. See how to add/edit the modifiers here

You can also disconnect the modifier group to the item by selecting the “x” button beside the modifier group. 

Need assistance? Please reach out to our support team through the in-app widget or at help@klikit.io.

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